Experiential Leadership

Retreats & Workshops

Why Experience Is Important

According To Ben Franklin...

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

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We Offer Business Learning Via Battlefield Leadership Tours

A Joint Partnership With Spaulding Communications

All three tours are fully customizable
to meet your specific business needs

Battle of Chattanooga

The Battle of Chattanooga in the American Civil War was fought on November 23–25, 1863.  Chattanooga had strategic importance as a vital railroad junction for the Confederacy.  It was a decisive engagement fought at Chattanooga, TN on the Tennessee River in late November 1863.  Under the command of General Joseph Hooker, the Union forces secured a victory at Lookout Mountain.  This battle contributed significantly to victory for the North. 

small pic battle of chattanooga
Washington Crossing Potomac

Battle of Trenton

The Battle of Trenton was a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War, which took place on the morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey.  Those of you who enjoy American history likely are familiar with the classic scene of Washington crossing the Delaware River in the dead of winter in a bold and desperate move to turn around the war.  In the Battle of Trenton, Washington defeated a formidable garrison of Hessian mercenaries before withdrawing. 

Battle of Atlanta

The Battle of Atlanta was a battle of the Atlanta Campaign fought during the American Civil War on July 22, 1864, just east of Atlanta, Georgia.  Because of its location and commercial importance, Atlanta was used as a center for military operations and as a supply route by the Confederate army during the Civil War. Therefore, it also became a target for the Union army. General William Tecumseh Sherman and his troops captured the city in 1864.


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